Surrender & the Journey to Motherhood | Wildr Wellness Podcast

A special homage to all the mamas out there! đź’ž

This episode of the Wildr Wellness Podcast is a conversation with Tish Mexted, a good friend and doula about the journey into motherhood. Laura asked me about the importance of surrender – Sometimes it’s full, all out surrender to what’s occurring and sometimes, boundaries are required to maintain balance.

Our conversation dances into:
〰️ How I’ve changed and evolved since becoming a mother to Bodhi
〰️ How surrender has come into play during and post-birth
〰️ The power of birth to heal us and the earth
〰️ How ritual can play a role in becoming a mother
〰️ The role of a doula
〰️ Some practical tips and tricks for the sensitive time postpartum

Listen on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.

Tish McNicol